Thursday 3/28/2013
8:17 a.m. A Bigfork woman complained that her niece calls continuously from different lines to avoid her effort to screen her calls. She would like a deputy to tell her to stop.
11:29 a.m. Someone reported that one of their tenants has been stealing from him but he refused to give the location of his rental property.
11:40 a.m. Reportedly, a Scottish terrior avoided capture and vanished into a nearby trailer park.
12:18 p.m. A woman reported that two days ago she saw a pack of small dogs chasing horses on Coram Stage. She was asked to make a more timely report should this occur again.
1:56 p.m. Someone saw a woman in a Jeep looking down while driving and assumed she was texting.
3:19 p.m. According to a homeowner on Smith Lake Road, someone drove across the lawn in the common area and damaged an irrigation pipe. Also, despite the subdivision’s “no trespassing signs,” someone started a fire and left their trash behind.
6:38 p.m. A woman complained that a skinny kid on Willow Glen Drive “mooned” her.
6:40 p.m. Someone called from the Marion area claiming that a woman shot him with a BB gun while he was out on his ATV. He said that she could be found hiding in a nearby barn. A deputy discovered an ongoing dispute between unfriendly neighbors.
10:01 p.m. Reportedly, someone was attempting to sell “stolen meat” in a bar of Highway 35 in Kalispell. The bartender said this had been going on for at least a week and she was worried about the state of the meat.