Pine Grove Family Fishing Pond will open for the season with a kids fishing derby Saturday morning, April 13.
This popular pond is located off Rose Crossing just north of Kalispell. Fish, Wildlife and Parks and Sportsman and Ski Haus will host an event for kids age 12 and younger only from 9 to 11 a.m. Older anglers cannot fish until 11 a.m, after that the pond will open for the season for all ages. The fishing event will award prizes for the biggest and smallest fish, first fish and catch and release fish. The Hooked On Fishing program will have some loaner fishing outfits available. Bait and fishing assistance will be available if needed.
All the local family fishing ponds have now been stocked except for Buffalohead Pond which will get fish in about a month. Family Fishing Ponds are open to the whole family but anglers age 15 and older have to release all fish. Kids 14 and younger can keep limited numbers. Fishing license requirements apply. Game wardens are patrolling the ponds.