
Anglers Lug in Another 3,100 Lake Trout at Spring Mack Days

By Beacon Staff

Anglers turned in a total of 3,169 lake trout over the eighth weekend of Spring Mack Days, bringing the total to 21,059 on Flathead Lake.

Jason Mahlen of Kalispell continues to lead the event with 1,297. Mahlen has an 18-day average of 63.44. Second place is held by Mike Benson of Lonepine with 892, and an average of 44.06. Steven Benson of Four Lakes, Wash., is in third place with 778 and 38.0 average. Craig Morigeau of Polson is fourth with 747 and 40.67. Scot Mahlen of Kalispell is fifth, 695 and 35.06.

Mack Days events are sponsored by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and sanctioned by Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Up to $150,000 will be awarded on May 19th to anglers competing in the event. A fish fry will begin at 4 p.m., followed by an awards ceremony at 5 p.m. at the Blue Bay Campground.

The Over 70 category has become a popular category. Jim Hoover of Whitefish leads with 129, followed by Ralph Johnson of Columbia Falls with 89, Bill McIntyre of Conrad with 40, Dutch Turner of Columbia Falls with 35, and Jens Gran of Polson with 27.

Susan Martin of Polson leads the ladies category with 211, followed by Nicole Peters of Missoula with 196, Julie Vacca of Florence with 189, Deana Knipe of Polson with 87, and Tracy Powers of Missoula with 55.

Garett Vaughan of Charlo has 314 to lead the 12 & under category. Matt Guckenberg is second with 64, Cole Gilleard of St. Ignatius is third with 33 and Abby Hodgson of Kalispell has 17.

Danner Shima leads the 13-17 age group with 260. Connor Kowalski is second with 162. Roger Guillory of Kalispell is third with 143 and Tanner Murry of Columbia Falls has 127.

There is still a $10,000 tagged lake trout swimming around, along with five worth $5,000, 10 worth $1,000 and over 4,000 with values from $100 to $500 in Flathead Lake waiting for some lucky angler.

Entries continue to be taken up until the last day of the event. For more information, visit the Mack Days’ website or call 406-883-2888 ex. 7294.