Have you noticed all of the opinion pieces and so called “news” coming out of the Associated Press calling for Republicans to compromise?
Hardly a day goes by that the talking heads don’t belittle conservatives and call them obstructionists or other names. Why?
Simply put, the midterm elections are on the near horizon and the support for conservative values is again on the rise. The liberals are calling for compromise because they don’t want to see their slim Senate majority evaporate and the Republican House Majority strengthened.
Right now, the liberals are thrilled to death with Steve Daines, Montana’s current Congressman. Steve has turned out to be a Republican in Name Only (RINO) and a willing mouthpiece for Sen. Jon Tester’s Forest Jobs and Recreation Act.
Never mind that there is voter opposition to the bill. Never mind that the “coalitions” that put together the recommendations were exclusionary. Off road groups representing a majority of Montana’s recreationalists that requested the opportunity to participate were denied a place at the table. If our three liberal lobbyists are so sure of overwhelming support for their bills, why not put it to a vote. Place the option on the ballot.
Daines, our “fifth generation Montanan” representative, has proven that he is just as liberal as Tester and Baucus, but the good thing is he was only elected for two years and we can fire him this coming year.
Richard Funk