A public forum featuring the Kalispell City Council candidates will be held at City Hall on Monday, Oct. 14, at 7 p.m. Outgoing Mayor Tammi Fisher will be the moderator and outgoing councilor Jeff Zauner will be the time keeper. The forum will be broadcast live on government access channel nine and replayed on the same station at periodic intervals up to Election Day, Nov. 5.
This forum will provide the public an opportunity to hear from the candidates and learn more about the candidates prior to the November election. Questions from the audience will not be asked, however, questions will be developed covering five major topic areas and will seek the candidates’ position on the topic areas.
The five areas potential of discussion will be: impact fees, Kalispell city airport, the candidates’ goals while in office, public safety and capital reserve funding. Not all subject areas may be covered, depending on time constraints. To ensure fairness, questions will be vetted by council members who are not currently running for office.