Sometimes the best stories are right in front of you, with the people you see every day. Here, library staff share their most memorable Halloween stories.
Pam: “I always wanted long blonde hair, but my mom wouldn’t buy me a wig so I made one out of pantyhose.”
Martha: “In Minnesota during the great Halloween blizzard of 1991, I wore my snowsuit and a bat mask. At every house they emptied their candy into our bags, because no one was out trick-or-treating. The next day we sat around eating peanut butter cups and watching cars slide down our hill into the snow bank.”
Cat: “I never went trick-or-treating until I was 12 or 13. I had to write my parents a report about Halloween before I could go. I had no idea what I was missing. It was like Christmas, getting more candy at every house!”
Susan: “We always put the worst candy put into a separate basket for the Halloween Witch. We would leave it out on the porch and every year it ‘disappeared.’”
Kim: “In sixth grade I borrowed my dad’s flannel shirt for a costume, and afterward he found a couple of half-smoked cigarettes in the pocket. I was in BIG trouble.”
Barbara: “Our black cat that had been missing all summer reappeared on Halloween. Oooo!”
What’s your best Halloween story? Ask some of the people you see all the time for their stories. You’ll probably be surprised and entertained.
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