There are quite a few events coming up soon in the Lakeside/Somers area that are worth mentioning:
AARP Driver Safety Course – Insurance Discount
For those age 55 and older, you can take the AARP Driver Safety classroom course – and be eligible for a multi-year discount on your car insurance, according to Montana law [MCA 33-16-222].
Aside from the insurance discount, this course is a good way to refresh and improve your defensive driving tactics and learn more about safe driving on roads and highways, especially if it’s been quite awhile since you’ve taken a defensive driving course.
The course is open to both AARP members and non-members alike. The course costs $12 for AARP members, and $14 for those who are not AARP members.
The four-hour driver safety course will be held at the Lakeside Chapel, 7243 Highway 93 S. in Lakeside on Nov. 4 at 9 a.m.
There is no need to register ahead of time (just show up on time for the course). If you have any questions, you can call Art Buckley at (406) 857-3251.
Donations Needed for Kids Holidayfest
The 2013 Holidayfest is just around the corner and will be held Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Lakeside Elementary School gym.
The event is fun for the whole community and helps the Somers/Lakeside PTA raise money for the Lakeside Elementary and Somers Middle School. There will be plenty of items for sale from dozens of different vendors, auctions, arts and crafts and plenty of other fun things to do.
This year, gift bags are much needed. Also donations of gifts for the Kids-Only-Market are greatly needed – last year, they almost sold out. So any gifts for kids that you could donate would be greatly appreciated.
You can donate gift bags and gifts at the Lakeside Elementary School or the Somers Middle School. Your generosity is much appreciated!
Please contact Melanie McManaway, (406) 890-8184, if you have any questions.
Volunteers Needed: West Shore Community Library
The West Shore Community Library in Lakeside needs more volunteers. Typically, volunteers serve as a librarian for a three-hour librarian shift, one day per week. The schedule is flexible and several open shifts are available.
And if you’re not inclined to volunteer as a librarian, you can volunteer to help behind the scenes with various other projects – or volunteer with any skills and time you may have. Help be a part of an all-volunteer library that is always making progress and improvements.
Please call Cindy Fisher, the volunteer coordinator, at (406) 844-3917, or stop by the library and ask for an application form.
The library is open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and located at 100 Bierney Creek Rd. in Lakeside (behind Glacier Bank).
Hunting Season Safety Reminder
Also, as a reminder, deer and elk hunting season is still underway through Dec. 1. So please be safe when hiking or otherwise going into hunting areas. It’s a good idea to wear safety orange, or bright colors – even if you’re not hunting.