By John Fuller
In 1916, while WWI was raging in Europe, Democratic President Woodrow Wilson’s re-election promise was that he and the U.S. would “remain neutral in thought as well as action” and keep the U.S. out of the war. Wilson had not conducted a “neutral” foreign policy and on April 2, 1917 asked Congress for a declaration of war against Germany. Did Wilson lie? Or was he telling the people what they wanted to hear while knowing otherwise? On numerous occasions, President Obama stated, “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.” Now we have learned that approximately 16 million Americans are having their insurance canceled because it doesn’t meet Obamacare standards. The evidence that Obama knew this while loftily proclaiming otherwise is indisputable. Was Obama lying? Or does that make Obama a man (as was said of Woodrow Wilson) “of high ideals but no principles?” President Obama has now been caught in several lies; Benghazi, Syria, and keeping one’s health insurance. Democrat apologists will claim that the canceled insurance policies were “substandard.” That is like saying that your old car is substandard (even though it suits you) and you must buy a new Mercedes. How about a new slogan for America? “Obama lied and health insurance died.” |
By Joe Carbonari
In trying to “sell” Obamacare the president spoke too broadly and too simplistically. There are health insurance policies that cannot be kept. Many, if not most, of those policies probably should not be kept, because of their cost or because of their limitations on coverage. Obamacare sets standards that policies must meet. These standards relate both to what situations they cover, comprehensiveness, as well as to how many dollars they will pay out in total, catastrophic protection for the insured. Policies not meeting these standards, and not being grandfathered in, are not being renewed. They are not being cancelled, but rather not being renewed upon the reaching of their termination date. Would some people like to renew them? Probably yes. Did they have peace of mind with their old policies, even if the coverage was limited? Some, probably yes. Were they misled by the statements of the president and others? Some, probably yes. Was this misleading intentional? Hopefully not. Was it wise? Definitely not. Will this diminish the credibility of the president? Probably yes. For those who have generally opposed or disliked the president this will fan the flames. For those of us who have generally supported him, it is a disappointment. We hope that he will choose his words more carefully in the future. |