Wednesday 10/6/2013
6:37 a.m. A dog on Angel Point Road in Lakeside barked at an owl.
7:43 a.m. A Columbia Falls woman reported that young kids often drive their younger siblings around town.
9:22 a.m. Someone saw a tarp on Shady Lane and requested that a deputy move it.
9:55 a.m. Reportedly, two dogs broke loose and ran free down Narrow Way for the eighth time.
10:24 a.m. Someone complained that a hunter was standing on a bridge, impeding the flow of traffic. A deputy found him safely walking along the side of the road.
11:56 a.m. A woman on Shady Lane reported that her neighbor angrily beat on her railing with his broom. Apparently, he was angry because her dog ran over and did its business in his yard.
1:44 p.m. A resident of Shadow Lane reported that his carved eagle went missing from his porch three weeks ago.
7:31 p.m. A Martin City man reported that he caught a handful of kids in his car and, although he chased them off a number of times, they came back. Shortly after the call they were seen shuffling around near his vehicle again.
10:45 p.m. The owner of casino in Columbia Falls reported that two men turned in a slip for slot machine winnings with a 2014 date.
2:08 a.m. A Coram resident reported that 10 boys were in his yard. He suspected that they were either gutting a deer or digging up trees.
2:48 a.m. An employee at a Columbia Falls gas station reported that an intoxicated woman had been hanging around the nacho station for an excessive period of time.