
LETTER: Falsified Science Used for Political Strategists

By Beacon Staff

Falsified science and physics have both become useful tools of political strategists seeking power, control and wealth. Claims of “man-caused” disasters calling for drastic, supposedly corrective measures keeps the citizenry beholden to the government.

Research has found that unlimited supplies of hydrocarbon fuels are constantly forming within the earth’s deep, hot biosphere. False claims of running out of so-called “fossil fuels” had been the driving force behind the conservation movement, providing rationale to force the country into subsidized non-economic energy production. And this all started the un-needed restrictions on carbon dioxide production with the false claim of its damage to the environment. Federally mandated carbon dioxide emissions force acceptance of federally subsidized non-feasible energy systems. As costs and availability of affordable goods and services increase the standard of living drops toward poverty levels with increasing dependency upon an all-powerful socialized form of government. Personal private property, independence and freedoms are lost.

The intricate web of human caused extreme, climate changes, destroying food production and all life were propagandized. But we know humans and animal life can both adjust to daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations from 100 degrees down to sub-zero variations throughout the country. Why must we become panic stricken with deviations of fractions of a degree evolving over a decade or two, or even a span of a hundred years or more? How could we possibly be that naïve? The fear-mongering, mind-control manipulation over a vulnerable, gullible general public is truly beyond belief. And they get away with it because we won’t be around for hundreds of years to hold them accountable for this carefully planned and executed deception.

Climate change has occurred since the origins of the earth. Science and physics can explain the normal cycles of all elements within the universe. Living cells and the atmosphere will continue to experience occasional extreme but temporary vacillations beyond human control. We must apply our God-given brains and abilities to practical conscientious stewardship of the environment for the betterment of all life.

Clarice Ryan