
Ballot Initiative Sponsors Scramble for Signatures

An initiative must receive signatures from 5 percent of qualified voters in Montana

By Matt Volz, Associated Press

HELENA – Sponsors of proposed ballot initiatives are scrambling in the final days before a Friday deadline to gather enough signatures to put their issues to Montana voters on the Nov. 4 ballot.

The Montana Secretary of State’s office has approved a dozen initiative petitions for signature-gathering after they passed legal reviews by the attorney general. Officials on Monday did not know how many — if any — would make the deadline.

“We’re just kind of waiting,” said spokeswoman Terri McCoy. “It’s not unusual for all those signatures to come in at the last minute.”

To make the ballot, an initiative must receive signatures from 5 percent of the total number of qualified voters in Montana, including from 5 percent of voters in each of 34 legislative House districts. That comes to 24,175 voter signatures from across the state.

There also are three proposed changes to the Montana Constitution that require signatures from 10 percent of voters spread out among at least 40 House districts, which is 48,349 signatures.

Two legislative referendums that don’t require signatures will be on the November ballot. One calls for a constitutional amendment changing the name of the state auditor to the commissioner of securities and insurance.

The second would end late voter registration the Friday before Election Day and voter registration on Election Day.

The Montana Supreme Court blocked a third legislative referendum to advance the top two primary vote-getters to the general election, regardless of party. The court ruled the title of the initiative that would have appeared on the ballot fell short of the legal requirements.

Here is a look at the citizen initiatives that face Friday’s deadline:


This proposal would use federal money available through the nation’s health care law to expand Medicaid to people making up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. Sponsor Kim Abbott said organizers had gathered more than 20,000 signatures in their last best count, but more signatures were being sorted and volunteers were making their last push.

The Republican-led Legislature in 2013 rejected expanding Medicaid in its opposition to President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act. A separate initiative proposal by House candidate Matthew Monforton of Bozeman would bar any state resources from being used to administer or enforce the national health-care overhaul.


Charter Communications is asking voters to reverse a 2009 Montana Supreme Court decision that increased the tax rates for companies that bundled the services of television, phone and high-speed Internet. Cable television companies are charged a 3 percent property tax rate, while telecommunications services are charged 6 percent. The decision raised Charter’s taxes from $1.7 million in 2009 to $7.3 million in 2010. MEA-MFT President Eric Feaver has said if the initiative qualifies for the ballot, the union will seek a judicial review of the proposal.


The proposal by Billings businessman Steve Zabawa would ban the use and possession of marijuana and other Schedule I drugs in Montana, which now allows pot for medicinal purposes. Zabawa only had about three weeks to collect signatures. A conflicting proposal to legalize the recreational use of marijuana was approved, but sponsors decided not to gather signatures to place the measure on the 2014 ballot.


Former Lt. Gov. John Bohlinger is proposing this constitutional amendment to prevent state government officials from searching Internet, telephone and other digital records without a warrant. Bohlinger submitted the proposal after reports surfaced that the National Security Agency is collecting phone records and data from citizens. The initiative would not be enforceable against federal agencies. Bohlinger said Monday the response has been poor and organizers have not gathered enough signatures to qualify.


Montana Sen. Jim Peterson is sponsoring a plan to require more disclosures in election spending. People, corporations, unions, political committees and other organizations — regardless of their tax status — would have to file reports if they have contributions and expenditures of $500 or more, or produce communications distributed to more than 200 people.


Helena attorney James Brown submitted the proposal to require a vacancy in one of Montana’s two U.S. Senate seats to be filled by a special election instead of gubernatorial appointment. The proposal was filed amid criticism of Gov. Steve Bullock’s decision to appoint then-Lt. Gov. John Walsh to serve Max Baucus’ term after Baucus resigned to become ambassador to China. Brown said Monday he did not have enough time to collect signatures to place the measure on the 2014 ballot, but he will resubmit it for 2016 if the Legislature does not pass a similar bill next year.


John Marshall of Hot Springs is proposing a change to the Montana Constitution that would require future Legislatures to be comprised equally of men and women. Marshall has said the makeup of the Legislature should reflect the state, and it will be up to state officials to determine how the plan will be implemented if it passes.


Two proposals have been approved for signature-gathering that would make it illegal to trap many animals and game birds on public land, including public lands leased to private individuals or groups, except for trapping done for scientific purposes or to protect public health and safety. Sponsor K.C. York of Hamilton submitted the second initiative proposal after sponsors of the first plan did not organize a signature-gathering effort.


A measure submitted by Michelle Hutsell of the Montana Coalition for Rights would bar the Legislature from changing or repealing a law passed as a voter initiative, unless the voters ratify the Legislature’s action or the initiative specifically allows legislative changes.