
Wolf Stamp Hearing Set for Aug. 14 in Kalispell

FWP is hosting an event in Kalispell at 6 p.m. at its headquarters

By Beacon Staff

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will conduct public hearings on Aug. 14 at several locations on proposed new rules to establish a voluntary wolf management stamp for anyone to make a donation to Montana’s wolf management program.

FWP is hosting an event in Kalispell at 6 p.m. at its headquarters at 490 N. Meridian Road.

The proposed rules would direct FWP to make available for sale a $20 wolf stamp and would define how the voluntary donations would be allocated to wolf management activities. Under the new rules, money received from the sale of wolf management stamps would be considered a donation and must first be used to pay for the cost of administering the stamp program. The remainder would be required to be equally distributed for livestock loss reduction program grants, wolf monitoring, habitat projects, scientific research, public education and outreach, and law enforcement.

The public comment deadline has been extended to Aug 22.

The public comment deadline has been extended to Aug 22. Comment via the FWP website at fwp.mt.gov. Or write to: Wolf Stamp Comments; Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks;Communication Education Division; P.O. Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620-0701. Email comments to [email protected]; or Fax to 406-444-4952.