10:26 a.m. Someone called from Shady Lane to report a theft that occurred a year ago.
11:46 a.m. A middle-aged man was seen cussing and “bashing the heck” out of his trailer.
12:52 p.m. A Kalispell woman complained that her husband’s house looks like a fire hazard.
1:10 p.m. A woman on Twin Acres Drive reported that her ex-roommate’s mother has been harassing her.
1:41 p.m. A woman on Twin Acres Drive complained that two female thieves stole her blanket and a glass bottle. The girls claimed that the items were given to them, but returned the glass bottle. They have yet to return the blanket.
1:45 p.m. A Hungry Horse woman reported that her “crazy” neighbor was standing in the middle of the road with his hands on his hips, staring at her.
3:16 p.m. A dog was running loose in the area of Foxhill Drive.
4:16 p.m. A man reported that someone in a maroon car with flames on the hood pulled up and stole everything out of the back of his truck, including his lunch.
4:17 p.m. A woman on Birch Grove Road reported that her husband’s family members, despite being asked to stay away, keep wandering onto her property.
6:28 p.m. A trio of teenaged brothers were accused of breaking into a Lakeside coffee stand.
8:08 p.m. A Kila woman reported that her neighbor tried to run her kids over earlier this week.
8:54 p.m. Someone on East Reserve Drive called in while watching two people on motorcycles do wheelies and “all kinds of weird stuff.”
9:37 p.m. A Kalispell woman complained that her brother hasn’t paid rent in two months.
10:45 p.m. Reportedly, residents along the lake light fireworks every night, all night long.
12:33 a.m. A woman called from Columbia Falls to report that her ex-boyfriend attacked her friends car. The vehicle was damaged.