National security should be the federal government’s top priority. Witness the recent beheading of our American journalist and the insipid administration response to it and all of the radical Muslim atrocities around the world. It is vital to national survival that we have a strong and determined Congress to stem the national erosion that will continue for two more years of this administration.
Ryan Zinke was not my first choice as a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. I, like many of you, fell for some of the attacks being leveled against him from his primary opponents. It appeared that the PAC he began two years ago was for his own benefit.
Wrong! It was a PAC established to support Mitt Romney for president. Also, folks attach labels of conservative, moderate, or liberal to an elected official based on several votes with which they do not agree. Apparently they have not heard, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Too often, we do not walk in the elected officials’ shoes and study all the angles to an issue.
In meeting and talking with Ryan Zinke since the primary, I find him to be a sincere supporter of the necessary actions and reforms needed to provide jobs, stabilize our economy and secure our nation. He has proven that love of country and national security are top priorities in his life through his outstanding service to our country as a distinguished Navy Seal. We do not need his opponent, another supporter of the Obama Administration’s disastrous policies, representing Montanans in Washington.
Mimi Milheim