
Hansen Steps Down as Bigfork Girls Basketball Coach

By Beacon Staff

Mark Hansen has stepped down after six seasons as head coach of the girls basketball team at Bigfork High School.

Activities Director Dave Creamer announced the decision recently and said a search would begin immediately to find Hansen’s replacement.

The Valkyries were 19-5 last season.

Creamer said Hansen had accepted another position within the district’s activities department and would remain a teacher at the elementary school. Prior to coaching the Valkyries, Hansen also served as the varsity boys basketball coach and assistant coach. He graduated from Bigfork High School.

“Mark is an excellent coach and will be missed in that position,” Creamer stated. “We are happy that he has chosen to stay involved with athletics at Bigfork Schools, because he has shown unquestioned dedication to Bigfork and its young people as a coach for 25 years.”

For more information about the coaching vacancy, contact Creamer at 837-7400.