
Daines Raises $1.8 Million, Curtis $554K in Senate Race

The campaigns released their figures ahead of an Oct. 15 Federal Election Commission deadline

By Dillon Tabish

HELENA — U.S. Rep. Steve Daines’ campaign says the Bozeman Republican raised $1.8 million between July and September for his Senate run.

Campaign officials said in a statement Monday that Daines has $1.6 million on hand for the final month before the Nov. 4 election.

Daines’ opponent, Amanda Curtis of Butte, has raised nearly $554,000 since she became the Democratic nominee in August.

Curtis spokesman Les Braswell says the campaign has more than $505,000 cash on hand.

The campaigns released their figures ahead of an Oct. 15 Federal Election Commission deadline for candidates to report contributions and spending for the third quarter of 2014.