Stacey Schnebel, candidate for Flathead County commissioner, is definitely not a “Wannabe” as so called by Rick Blake in his letter to the editor.
She IS the president of the Trapline Association, which puts on Cabin Fever Days in the Canyon and donates all proceeds to local charitable and volunteer causes.
She IS the vice-president of the Columbia Falls Area Chamber of Commerce and IS dedicated to the economic advancement of that city.
She IS a member of the Tourism Key Industry Network, part of the Governor’s Main Street Montana program, a group working to improve Montana’s economy.
All of the above are volunteer unpaid positions dedicated to improving the economic well being of the community.
She IS also a local business owner and manager with a large stake in the economic health of the local community.
Stacey IS a well-spoken, intelligent candidate who will have the best interests of all the citizens of the county in mind, and open to the input of all citizens of the county.
Rick Blake, the writer of the “Wannabe” letter to the editor is, I would suggest, the real Wannabe.
He wants to be like the Koch Brothers … form a PAC and attack the political opposition with personal innuendo and invective, as he did in the elections of 2012. I would think the voters would recognize that if it smells like scat, it’s scat.
Disclaimer: Stacey Schnebel IS my daughter-in-law, and I think she’s the best.
William J. Schnebel