Calling all artists. A community organization in Lakeside is asking for creative design submissions for a new flag to hang in Volunteer Park.
The Friends of Frosty, a local group that builds snowmen during winter to display along the U.S. Highway 93 corridor, is asking members of the community to help design a new flag for the town. Local businessman Eric DePew has offered to pay for the cost of creating the flag and the Flathead County Parks and Recreation Department has approved the request to hang the flag in Volunteer Park.
The group organizing the effort is seeking for creative designs that reflect the activities, assets and seasons in Lakeside. Some possible themes include boats, skiing, Lakeside Fair, autumn colors and trees.
Submissions are due by Nov. 30. Anyone can enter a drawing submission. The design must be able to fit a rectangular flag with dimension of 3-feet high and 5-feet long. Designs must be sent via email to [email protected] or to Friends of Frosty, PO Box 232, Lakeside, MT 59922. Submissions must be accompanied with the artist’s full name, phone number, address and your age.
For more information, call Susan Repa at 844-6044.