
Local Hospitals, Health Department to Host Community Forum on Ebola

Public forum will feature presentations from infectious disease specialist, county health officer

By Beacon Staff

Health officials and hospital administrators will discuss Ebola at an upcoming community forum at Flathead Valley Community College.

Members of the public are invited to attend the free event at FVCC’s Arts and Technology Building, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Nov. 10.

The forum will feature a presentation on the history and transmission of Ebola followed by an opportunity for the public to ask questions about the disease.

The event is being presented by Kalispell Regional Medical Center, North Valley Hospital and Flathead City-County Health Department, and will feature presentations by Dr. Jeffrey Tjaden, an infectious disease specialist, Joe Russell, the city-county health officer, and representatives from both local hospitals.

The event is free.

For more information, call 751-4167.

Last week hospital officials dispelled rumors that a patient with Ebola symptoms was in Kalispell.