
Do We Need a State-Sponsored Day Care?

Our governor has decided to front an effort to provide pre-school day care for our 4-year-olds

By Michael Gale

It now seems that parents can no longer be trusted to rear their young – a sad state of affairs to be sure. We must now entrust them to our polished and shiny governmental education machine.

Our governor has decided to front an effort to provide pre-school day care for our 4-year-olds. The email I received from him stated: “I ran for governor to ensure that the Montana we leave our kids and grandkids is even better than the Montana that we grew up in. That’s why I want to make sure every Montana four-year-old has the opportunity to access voluntary, high-quality early childhood education. The Montana Board of Public Education is seeking public comment regarding the standards that would apply to a universal pre-K program in Montana.”

Really? Universal pre-K, voluntary, high-quality early childhood education? What am I missing here? Voluntary today, mandatory tomorrow. Are they presuming that today’s parents are incapable of providing their pre-K children with learning activities and that the governmental machine is better equipped? How many more years do you figure it will take before the “state” will take our children from us at birth to provide them with the proper and accepted pre-K guidance opportunities necessary for trained, skilled robots?

What happened to teaching our children “value systems” before they went into the government-controlled and mandated “public school” learning and molding machine? He asked for input. Mine was: “How about you make sure that our 4 year-olds have a Montana to inherit by removing your support for the unconstitutional Flathead Indian Reservation Federal Reserved Water Rights Compact? Don’t you believe that would be more beneficial to our kids and grandkids than telling parents their parenting capabilities fall short of State expectations?”

Isn’t this simply a state-sponsored day care program? What is YOUR input to this government interference into your parenting responsibilities?

Michael Gale