The Glacier County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the disappearance of two men and a woman who apparently went missing Nov. 22 near Mission Lake during a fishing trip.
At this time foul play is not suspected. Due to evidence at the scene it is believed the missing may have fallen into Mission Lake, according to a press release from the Glacier County Sheriff’s Office.
The law enforcement agency received a report from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police after family members of the missing reported their disappearance. The family members reported that the three individuals had taken a day trip to fish in Glacier County and had not returned as of Sunday morning.
At that point Glacier County sheriff’s deputies and Blackfeet Tribal law enforcement officers began a search of Duck Lake and Mission Lake.
A sheriff’s deputy located the vehicle the missing individuals were traveling in at Mission Lake, and Glacier County deputies, along with Customs and Border Protection Air Ops and Toole County Search and Rescue began a detailed search of the area and the lake itself.
The search has been ongoing since the discovery of the vehicle. Due to weather conditions and the hazard of searching at night, the search has been suspended until daylight Tuesday.
A recovery effort will resume in the morning.
Initial reports indicated there were four people in the fishing party; however, the fourth person has been located in Canada, as he did not accompany the party on the trip.
The names of the missing are: Fuki Nishibayashi, 75, of Japan; Danny Heland, 56, of Canada; and Kazuhiko Hayashizaki, 63, also of Candada.