
Return Surplus to Taxpayers

Refund $300 to every man, woman and child in the state

By Richard Funk

I read an article a while back about “Montana worker’s comp funds pays $20 million in dividends.” I thought this was a great idea. Because the fund took in so much extra money that it did not have to use, it was returning a large sum of cash to be distributed among those who contributed. Great concept!

I wish that our governor, Steve Bullock, would take a cue from this and consider returning some of the money over paid in taxes to those who have carried the burden so long. Of course he won’t.

He has already set his sights on the extra money to fund his pet projects. He wants to leave a surplus of $300 million to cover any unforeseen expenses. Here’s a novel idea, governor. Refund $300 to every man, woman and child in the state. That will help folks meet their rising power bills. Heck, it may even jumpstart the economy. Then live within a budget like the rest of us.

Don’t spend it just because it is there.

Richard Funk