
Prolife Group Rallies for ‘Personhood’ Amendment

Proposed amendment for state Constitution would define human life as beginning at conception

By Molly Priddy

HELENA — Members of an anti-abortion group gathered at the Montana Capitol in support of a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would define human life as beginning at conception.

Montana Prolife Coalition President Annie Bukacek says the proposal is designed to stop the killing of unborn children.

Republican Rep. Matthew Monforton of Bozeman is sponsoring House Bill 425, which is expected to have its first hearing on Monday. It’s the third time such a bill has come before the Legislature. Similar efforts in other states also have so far failed.

Monforton told those at Wednesday’s rally that the bill faces a tough road.

Two-thirds of lawmakers would have to support the bill for it to be placed on the November 2016 ballot.