
Bill Would Allow Medical Marijuana Use to Treat PTSD

The bill would add PTSD to a list of debilitating medical conditions that can be used to obtain medical marijuana

By Dillon Tabish

HELENA — Montana lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow state residents to obtain medical marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder.

Democrat Rep. Rae Peppers of Lame Deer introduced House Bill 456 in the House Human Services Committee Monday.

The bill would add PTSD to a list of debilitating medical conditions that can be used to obtain medical marijuana. That list currently includes cancer, glaucoma, HIV, AIDS, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and severe chronic pain.

Supporters of the bill say it would help veterans alleviate pain that comes with PTSD.

A woman who writes on the topic of cannabinoid science says marijuana can balance chemicals in trauma survivors in addition to simply making them feel better.

No opponents spoke at the hearing. The committee did not take action on the bill.