Special Olympics Montana is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the State Winter Games at Whitefish Mountain Resort, Feb. 22-24.
Over 350 Special Olympics Montana athletes will be competing in alpine skiing, cross country skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing at the resort. Eight of the athletes registered to compete will be enjoying their 20th year of competition at Whitefish Mountain Resort.
The public is invited to line Central Avenue from Third Street to Railway Street for the Parade of Athletes beginning at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 22, and then accompany the athletes to the opening ceremonies in Depot Park.
The parade of athletes and 0pening ceremonies include the ceremonial lighting of the Special Olympics cauldron as well as other exciting festivities. The SOMT Youth Activation Committee, comprised of young people with and without intellectual disabilities from across the state, is organizing the parade.
Special Olympics Montana is currently recruiting volunteers for the State Winter Games. Those interested in volunteering should visit www.somt.org/volunteer/ or Flathead Valley area contact Karen Kimball at [email protected] or 406-250-8481.