The Flathead Valley Community College Service Learning Office invites FVCC students, faculty, staff and alumni to participate in three spring Service Saturday projects to benefit various nonprofits in Northwest Montana.
“This is a fun and easy way to give back to our community, build friendships and gain new skills,” said Service Learning Coordinator Wendy Jeschke.
For each Service Saturday, the college will provide necessary transportation from the college, on-site training and supervision. Participants will be entered to win a $50 prize at each event.
Service Saturdays will kick off with Habitat for Humanity Build Day Feb. 28 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers will be provided all tools and safety equipment, instruction on specific tasks and a complimentary lunch and T-shirt. Participants are not required to have any construction experience and should be at least 16 years of age. Anyone under 18 must be supervised by an adult. Volunteers will be entered to win a $50 Movie Night Package.
Service Saturdays will continue March 14 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. with a trip to the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls. Volunteers will interact with residents by reading books, visiting and playing games. Volunteers will be entered to win a $50 Walmart gift card.
In honor of Global Youth Service Day, Service Saturdays will conclude with an FVCC Community Garden Work Party April 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All ages and skill levels are invited to participate in various activities to prepare the garden for the upcoming growing season. Tools and a complimentary lunch will be provided. Participants are asked to provide their own gloves and water bottles and come dressed to work in the dirt. Volunteers will be entered to win a $50 Smith’s gift card.
FVCC students who participate and present their student identification cards will be entered into the $500 cash Eagle Challenge grand prize drawing, which will be held May 4.
To register for Service Saturdays or for more information, visit, or stop by the Service Learning Office in Blake Hall on campus. Area nonprofits interested in hosting a Service Saturday project are asked to contact Jeschke at [email protected] or 756-3908.