
House Blasts Water Compact to Floor for Debate

Coalition of all 41 Dems and 11 Republicans vote tribal water deal out of committee

By Tristan Scott

HELENA — The House of Representatives has voted to bring a bill to the floor that would determine water rights for tribes on the Flathead Reservation.

Eleven Republicans voted with all 41 Democrats 52-48 Tuesday to schedule Senate Bill 262 for a second reading floor debate and vote Wednesday.

The majority brought the measure out of the House Judiciary Committee where Republicans tried to kill it Monday by giving it a “do-not-pass” report.

Conservative Republicans again attempted to stall the bill Tuesday by questioning whether it should require a two-thirds majority to pass. The matter will go before the Rules Committee Wednesday morning.

Minority Leader Chuck Hunter says he expects the bill to pass on a simple majority because none of the other tribal water compacts have required support from two-thirds of the Legislature.