The post-Legislature propaganda being spouted by the Democrats and their left-leaning confederates has certainly reached new levels of unbelievable barnyard drivel.
Take Governor Bullock’s letter, “Session was a Bipartisan Success.” In the first place governor, in order to be bipartisan, there must be two parties involved. Governor Bullock, you would have us believe that the Responsible RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) who abandoned their party to join forces with the left were truly representing the Republicans who voted for them. They were not. Like the proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing, these Democrat Lights were posers who shammed their way into office. One nice outcome is that these posers are not likely to be reelected when their constituents are reminded next election of their voting record.
Bob Brown has pontificated about how the evil Anaconda Copper Mining Company overruled the liberal Democratic majority in 1932 by creating a coalition of Moderate Democrats and Republicans. Bob claims that the liberals were maligned by being labeled as radicals and were unable to put forth any of their ideas.
It is a pity Bob only went back to the 1932 Legislature. Had he bothered to go back to the 1909 legislature, he could have noted the Democrats’ ideological plan in putting forth and passing, with the support of the of the Responsible RINOs of that day, “An Act Prohibiting Marriages between White Persons, Negroes, Persons of Negro Blood, and Between White Persons, Chinese, and Japanese, and Making such Marriages Void,; and Prescribing punishment for Solemnizing Such Marriages.” which became law on March 3, 1909.
Then as now, the coalition of Democrats and Responsible RINOs succeeded in taking the rights from one group of Montana citizens in favor of another.
This past Legislature saw representation and support for Governor Bullock, the Democrats, and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, but not for the constituents of the Responsible RINOs. I believe there will be a different make up next time.
Richard Funk