9:50 a.m. A Pomeranian on Newberry Circle barks incessantly, despite its new bark collar.
10:38 a.m. A woman on Lake Blaine Road returned home to find a homemade airplane parked on her property and that the pilot, presumably, has been squatting in her farm house.
11:42 a.m. A resident on Rainbow Drive reported, among other things, that the neighbor’s horses were loose last year. He was advised to call back when and if the horses are loose again.
12:55 p.m. A Columbia Falls resident reported that horses jumped the fence “just east of the teepee” and were, at the time of the call, grazing in another pasture.
5:37 p.m. Reportedly, an irritated and aggressive man chucked a handful of nails out onto the county road department parking lot.
9:57 p.m. A resident on Fourth Avenue West complained that two boys and a teenaged girl, who was hanging out the window, were cruising up and down the road blasting loud music.
12:08 a.m. A woman on Flathead Drive reported that her ex-roommate has her clothes, books and makeup and is refusing to give them back.
2:36 a.m. A highly motivated black bear returned, after numerous gun shots, to a neighborhood on Jellison Road for more trash can action.