
Trapping Opponents Try Again to Get Ban on Statewide Ballot

Dr. Timothy Provow of Missoula filed a ballot initiative Monday to make traps and snares illegal on public land in Montana

By Dillon Tabish

HELENA — Opponents of animal trapping are again trying to petition voters to ban such activity on state and federal land.

Dr. Timothy Provow of Missoula filed a ballot initiative Monday to make traps and snares illegal on public land in Montana. State officials are reviewing the proposal.

Provow was a board member of Footloose Montana when that organization filed a similar initiative in 2010. Another group called Trap Free Montana Public Lands also filed an initiative in 2014.

Both failed to garner the 24,000 signatures required to make the ballot.

Trap Free Montana registered in February to support an unnamed 2016 initiative. The organization has declined to comment.

Trapping is legal in Montana.