6:43 a.m. A woman on Shady Lane complained that construction workers were making noise in the parking lot next to her house. She advised law enforcement that if they don’t make the noise stop, she will take matters into her own hands. She called back to state that the workers agreed that it was too early and would stop until 8 a.m.
6:47 a.m. A local woman reported that a man posted inappropriate pictures of her on Craigslist along with an ad listing her phone numbers and a list of services provided.
8:18 a.m. A Mission Trail resident claimed that someone knocked over their basketball hoop and displaced a lawn chair from the deck to the driveway.
8:55 a.m. A resident on Shady Lane reported that someone threw rocks at her windshield and dented her car door.
10:52 a.m. A Lakeside resident reported that her prying neighbors were outside taking pictures of her husband while he chopped down a tree.
5:05 p.m. A drunken driver was spotted on Baker Avenue in Whitefish.