Montanans are looking for leadership on the Iran nuclear deal. The Jon Tester we elected in 2006 was a leader against bad decision making that leads to war. Tester fights for Montana veterans every day in the United States Senate; he knows that the best way to honor the fallen in Iraq is to make sure we don’t have another unnecessary war. Sen. Steve Daines and Congressman Ryan Zinke think that saber rattling is the answer, but leadership knows that a war is a last resort, not a way to score cheap political points. Shame on you Daines and Zinke, Montanans deserve better.
The Iran deal eliminates Iran’s ability to obtain a nuclear weapon and will help us avoid war. Montanans are looking to Tester for leadership on this issue and we expect nothing less than the farmer we elected in 2006 with common sense ideas, Montana values, and a vision for a safe future in America-based on diplomacy.
Tester, I appreciate that you are willing to listen Montanans on this important issue and ensure that this deal is strictly enforced. No one wants war and this is the best deal out there to prevent it.
Tester, I don’t know what you plan to do with your third term, but voting yes to this deal was why you were elected to your first two terms. We are waiting on you to make the right decision; we didn’t elect you to play politics. It is past time for you to announce your support of the Iran deal and move America and Montana towards a safer future.
Montanans and Montana veterans deserve nothing less.
Nathan Kosted