
Montana Family Has Third Set of Twins

The Three Forks couple already had two sets

By Dillon Tabish

BOZEMAN — Tiffany and Chris Goodwin knew what to expect when they learned they were having twins this fall.

The Three Forks couple already had two sets.

Tiffany Goodwin says the first year is chaotic and a blur, but after that, the twins play together. Their third “first year” began Monday with the births of Carter and Olivia at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital.

Chris Goodwin tells the Bozeman Daily Chronicle that he’s been surprised every time they’ve learned they were having twins. He says he appreciates the support they receive from family.

Carter and Olivia join 2-year-old identical twins Emalynn and Brielle, 5-year-old twins Josh and Eliza and their big brother Mason, who is 7.

Tiffany Goodwin says she doesn’t plan on having any more children.