Environmentalists and the Native American Tribes are livid in trying to cope with the outrageous lies told by lifetime tenured management in government agencies like USFW, MFWP, FNF, USGS, et al, about actual real numbers of grizzly bears and their acceptable mortality rates and protection of their vital forest habitat and honest implementation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for many years now.
In virtually none of the ESA controversies that do go to trial is anyone called to testify. Both sides fully brief the court on their case and on court day each side’s lawyer gets 30 minutes to further make their case – with the judge interrupting to ask questions, so there’s no testimony, no witnesses, no one under oath.
If those government agencies continually tell lies to the public to justify their quest to de-list the grizzly bear and sell licenses to hunt them, then why not force them to testify under oath in a court of law, then afterwards perform a lie-detector test on them, and then try them for perjury?
Bill Baum
Badrock Canyon