3:16 p.m. A Hungry Horse resident reported that his neighbors have been throwing trash into his yard. He would like them to be charged for their activities.
5:09 p.m. A man who had stolen five pieces of clothing from an Evergreen business made a frenzied run for it. He made his way across the parking lot to a nearby fast food restaurant, where he used the bathroom and changed clothes. Apparently, he left his stolen booty behind and was soon after arrested.
5:57 p.m. A woman reported that a package she had sent to her daughter was delivered to the wrong trailer and that the occupants of that trailer were refusing to hand it over. A deputy apprehended the package and delivered it to the correct address.
10:49 p.m. A Columbia Falls man reported that he and the other occupants of his car were deliberately rear-ended by an ex-girlfriend. She then, according to him, made one desperate, but failed, attempt to run them all over. No one needed medical attention.