
Police Blotter

Flathead County Sheriff’s and Kalispell Police Reports

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Annoying Dog


9:16 a.m. A Columbia Falls woman reported that her son still hasn’t returned the car she let him borrow last year.

9:19 a.m. A Bigfork resident was bitten by a cat.

10:00 a.m. A Columbia Falls man reported that his tools had been stolen sometime during the night. He has a suspect in mind.

10:07 a.m. A resident on Dogwood Avenue reported that his female neighbor slapped him across the face him when he confronted her over dog-related problems. He didn’t want to press charges, but wanted her advised to stop the slapping.

12:18 p.m. A woman on Mountain View Drive complained that a little, yellow puppy is constantly in her yard chasing chickens and eating their food.

2:24 p.m. Someone was seen driving a blue Corvette at approximately 100 miles per hour through the canyon area.

2:45 p.m. A white mutt with a brown head was barking on Cynthia Drive.

6:19 p.m. Two Kalispell women fought over a horse-related incident.

8:21 p.m. Reportedly, a dog on Eagle Drive “never shuts up.”

8:47 p.m. Someone was seen driving their dirty 4Runner down the wrong lane of Highway 35 in Kalispell.