
Long Secret Mine Waste Talks to Get Public Participation

Secret consent decree talks started nearly 10 years ago on what to do about the problems with Butte Hill and upper Silver Bow Creek

By Dillon Tabish

BUTTE — For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency is allowing the public to attend long-running discussions on cleanup liability involving a creek near the Butte Civic Center and the Butte Visitors Center that was polluted by mine waste.

Secret consent decree talks started nearly 10 years ago on what to do about the problems with Butte Hill and upper Silver Bow Creek.

EPA representative Nikia Greene said no decision will be made without the community, the Montana Standard reported.

Citizens Technical Environmental Committee, an independent volunteer group funded by EPA, will join Atlantic Richfield Co., BNSF Railroad and regulatory agencies, including the Department of Environmental Quality in the negotiations.

Citizens committee president Dave Williams said his organization won’t be involved in financial discussions, which will be left up to the other participants.

More funding is being sought to hire two advisers. One would work on a health study on lead and the other on data involving ground water and streams.