Ski season just ended at Whitefish Mountain Resort and other winter destinations across the U.S., but it’s really just beginning for Craig Moore.
The 36-year-old Whitefish resident is keeping his skis waxed for further adventures on snow, from the backcountry terrain in the surrounding mountain ranges to the epic slopes in Glacier National Park.
Moore is carrying on an envious feat for ski bums everywhere. This month he hit 101 consecutive months of skiing within 100 miles of home, a streak that dates back to November 2007. At the time, the passionate outdoorsman thought it would be fun to see how many months in a row he could make turns. It evolved into an exciting mission of adventure and discovery.
“It’s been a great way to learn about my backyard,” he said recently.
“For the first four to five years, I just went to the places I knew had snow. Now I’m trying to find other new places to ski. I’m trying to expand my horizons.”
With the support of his wife, Amy, and friends, Moore has forged on, even in the months when snow seems an unlikely objective.
Moore has adventured in the Whitefish and Swan ranges, throughout the Missions and Glacier Park. He’s even hiked more than 20 miles to find a good patch of snow. That includes a 24-mile day to Sperry Glacier that rewarded Moore with 5,500 vertical feet of skiing. Or the Royal Traverse run that took 24 miles to arrive at but boasted 5,700 vertical feet of idyllic action.
One of his favorite runs was atop Jackson Glacier.
“It’s a nice long hike and it’s got a beautiful reward at the end,” he said.
Moore originally had milestones in mind for this epic pursuit. Nearly nine years later, it’s no longer about a number or an end-goal.
“I truly enjoying skiing and I enjoy combining my love of skiing with my love for adventure,” he said. “I feel it’s more than a number for me. It’s the passion.
If that has to stop because of reasons beyond my control, I’m OK with that I guess.
But I’m doing it for myself, not because I’m trying to beat someone or try to have 500 months or some number. To me it’s about adventure and stories and skiing.”