
Give Tim Harmon a Chance

Tim will promote an atmosphere of openness and accessibility

By Michael A. Hayes

I am writing to urge you to vote for Tim Harmon for Flathead County Commissioner. I have known Tim for over 30 years and consider him a man of principle and conviction. He takes on challenges with patience and wisdom. His willingness to examine the issues and listen closely to the public sets him apart from the other candidate. Tim will promote an atmosphere of openness and accessibility. He has outstanding credentials, having been a successful small businessman and a valued Flathead County supervisor for many years. He is also a valued member of several boards and respected associations. He is well informed of the issues that this county is confronting and would be an excellent addition to the current board. Tim is sincere, engaged, and will not go along to get along. He will be a meaningful advocate of the people. These attributes bode well for those who want a man of the people who can represent them in a positive and productive manner.

Flathead County’s management is big business with budget of over $90 million and nearly 500 employees and is increasing every year. The commissions make up is critical to successfully navigate through the challenges that will confront our county. This county’s population will continue to increase and the choices made in this year’s election will significantly impact you and your children’s future.

Tim and his devoted wife Tammy actually live in the district they hope to represent and are respected by all who know them.

We need Tim and Tim needs you.

My wife and I have owned and operated several small businesses in Flathead County for over 30 years and we enthusiastically endorse Tim Harmon for Flathead County commissioner. Please consider closely and vote for Tim!

Michael A. Hayes