
A Speech I’d Like to Hear

Together we can build an economy that’s rich with opportunity and rewards hard work

By Diane Smith

Dear Voters,

I’m humbled and grateful to be your nominee for president of the United States of America. All of the candidates fought hard and it’s now time for us to come together. For America. And for each other. From the most crowded streets of our cities to the wide-open spaces of rural America, we are all part of this great and enduring journey called democracy.

As I’ve campaigned, I’ve come to understand even more deeply that democracy isn’t a destination. It’s a journey. We can never arrive, only aspire. Like a farmer, we Americans are asked to commit to something we don’t often see but believe will blossom if properly tended.

I’ve heard your fear, cynicism, hope, exhaustion, and anger these past months. I’ve been touched by folks who’ve worked hard for too long without making real progress and young people who can’t find work that pays a living wage. The frustration you feel toward those in our communities, businesses, and governments that have exploited others for unfair reward or advantage is understandable.

Winston Churchill said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Of course. Democracy requires vigilance. When daily devotion is required, it’s always a steep climb, a true challenge.

But we’re Americans. We do what has to be done. That’s what makes us great. We are strong enough to lead, smart enough to grow, and courageous enough to care. Throughout our history, we have been at the forefront of inventing and deploying new ideas; American adventurousness still runs deep.

I can’t do this alone though, I need your help. We all don’t have to like each other, or agree with each other, but we must be civil, accountable, and candid with ourselves and one another. We must all be willing to hear hard truths and accept the responsibility of competing interests – there will be winners and losers. We must bring our best facts and arguments to the debate, and then roll up our sleeves and get to work on solutions.

America is a symphony. Like the violin and oboe, the financier and the coder can work alongside the welder and the nurse to create harmony, recognizing the unique histories and values each brings to her task. Yet in this symphony, I can only conduct and ask for your blessing and support.

Together we can build an economy that’s rich with opportunity and rewards hard work. Together, we can project leadership in the world even when we can’t solve all its problems. Together, we can build a future that is the envy of all.

Thank you for this honor. I look forward to working for you.

Diane Smith is the founder and CEO of American Rural. Learn more about Diane by following her column here or visit American Rural at AmericanRural.org.