Former employees of the Columbia Falls Aluminum Company are invited to a potluck in Kalispell this week.
The annual gathering is for former employees and their families to recollect and reconnect, said organizer Sharon Chubb. The event is Thursday, July 7 at Lawrence Park in Kalispell starting at 1 p.m.
“It’s a good time for them to get together,” she said.
Attendees are encouraged to bring plates, drinks and utensils. Organizers ask that no alcoholic beverages be brought. Donations are accepted for a white elephant gift exchange.
The annual potluck has been going on for over 10 years for former ARCO, AAC or CFAC employees who worked at the aluminum plant.
The industrial plant operated along the Flathead River from 1955 to 2009 and permanently closed in 2015. Since then, Glencore, CFAC’s parent company, has worked to create a plan to clean up the contaminated site, which qualifies for the National Priorities list, a register of hazardous waste sites eligible for long-term remedial cleanup under the federal Superfund program. The plant is currently being demolished.
For more info, call Chubb at 892-5150.