
Fixing America?

Checking up on the Trump-Clinton showdown

By Tim Baldwin and Joe Carbonari

By Tim Baldwin

Part of Trump’s success stems from very upset Americans who feel long-betrayed by politicians or dislike America’s cultural changes. How will this translate into America’s future if Trump is elected?

During the RNC, Trump said, “I am your voice. I alone can fix it. I will restore law and order.” Many of Trump’s supporters literally believe this authoritarian statement. They won’t care if his actions are unconstitutional, as long as they get their America “back.”  So, how far must Trump go to “fix America” before their discontent is resolved?

In 1787, our Constitution was formed to avoid being ruled by a single or few persons; it was designed to diffuse power up and along the political scale. But this diffusion makes change (especially in a large society) slow and hard. Ironically, it is this slow change that can cause, over time, a jaded majority to reject the principles of a democratic republic and give power to an authoritarian who promises to deliver results and now. Such events are what destroy republics.

For Trump supporters who want to see improvement in the national economy, more limited federal government, less federal intrusion in personal liberty, less war, more government transparency, and less political corruption by global-corporate and foreign-government influence, they would be wise to channel their anger by holding Trump to the same standards they would hold, say, Clinton; namely, the Constitution.

By Joe Carbonari

Donald Trump has said that the presidential race is rigged – that the race to see who sets the tone, who calls the shots, who gets the midnight calls when things go badly, is rigged. The president, and the president’s men and women, those that advise and support him or her make a difference. Do you want, can we afford, a government led and administered by men and women as undisciplined and disrespectful as Donald Trump, the man who promises to make us great again, a lot like Putin restoring Mother Russia?

How about star wars? Do your eyes light up with the possibilities? It could be huge.

It is not wise to put an adult with an adolescent’s level of self-control in charge of pushing the nuclear button, even if it’s just meant to be a little warning in a big sand box. Bullies and loud-mouths are not wise choices, even if they are just bluffing. When dealing with power, graciousness, caution and respect are called for. Instead, Trump’s public persona would fit a wise-guy wannabe. This is not good, and, no, Hillary is not worse. Yes, Trump would probably make more changes and stir more things up, but he is not worth the risk.

Some say that were Trump elected our Congress would responsibly provide the checks and balances necessary to prevent disaster. Not likely. Congress is too rigid at its extremes to affect cooperation at its center.

Responsible change is called for. Cast your vote responsibly.