Recent widespread moisture along with cooler temperatures has prompted Flathead area interagency fire managers to decrease fire danger from high to moderate.
Fire season in Northwest Montana generally lasts through October, as cured grasses of summer can quickly dry in the warm windy conditions of fall.
Fall open burning season for Flathead and northern Lake counties will begin Oct. 1 and run through Nov. 30.
State officials remind residents that no burning is allowed through Sept. 30.
“Please continue to clear brush and prune limbs around home and property, but refrain from burning any piles until Open Burning Season begins,” Ali Evans, fire prevention and education specialist with the Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, said.
Hunting season is here and warming fires are another source of fall wildfires in this area.
“Please keep fires small and make certain they are cold to the touch and dead-out before leaving,” Evans said.
County, state, and federal wildland fire managers and firefighters have worked together again this fire season to respond quickly and keep wildfires small.
For more information about debris burning season or how to prepare your home and property for the next wildfire season, call the Fire Prevention Specialist for the Kalispell Unit of the DNRC at 751-2270.