
Three People Killed in Southeastern Montana Small Airplane Crash

Carter County officials say the Beechcraft Baron crashed at about noon Saturday 12 miles south of the small town of Boyes

By Associated Press

BILLINGS — Three people were killed in the weekend crash of a twin-engine airplane in southeastern Montana.

Carter County officials say the Beechcraft Baron crashed at about noon Saturday in a grassy area about 12 miles south of the small town of Boyes.

Sheriff Neil Kittelmann told The Billings Gazette in a story published Monday that the crash killed a 64-year-old man, a 45-year-old woman and a 13-year-old boy.

The aircraft took off from Billings Logan International Airport and was headed to Michigan where the man and the woman owned a business.

The airplane was registered in Florida and the adults had Florida driver’s licenses.

The victims’ names have not been released. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the crash.