There’s nothing like climbing to the apex of a hill or mountain, filling your lungs with fresh air, and getting a wider perspective on life, or taking a walk on a public, forested trail with nothing but birdsong and the wind to keep you company as you discover and explore.
Everyone has their own perspective on what public lands mean to them, but this Saturday, Oct. 1, Montana State Parks, along with Montana Conservation Corps and the Kalispell Rotary Club, will provide an easy way to express gratitude for these experiences with National Public Lands Day at Lone Pine State Park.
Outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds join together to celebrate America’s public lands by giving back to their local state parks; on Lone Pine, choose from a variety of projects, including trail maintenance, trash removal, and weed pulling.
Be sure to wear sturdy work boots, gloves, and other outdoor accoutrements and meet at Foy’s Lake at 8:30 a.m. to split into work crews for different projects. All skill levels welcome, and safety equipment will be provided.
The Kalispell Rotary Club will thank you for your hard work with a free barbecue lunch for all workers. For more information, contact Brian Schwartz at 406-755-2706 ext. 3.