
Holmquist Defends Property Rights

We don’t need more compliance officers, more regulations and more lawsuits

By Rick Blake

As county commissioner, Pam Holmquist has fought for Whitefish doughnut residents’ rights. She has defended our property rights and been a staunch advocate for small business and opportunity here. Unlike her Democrat opponent, Pam opposes resettling of refugees here.

Pam has worked hard on important infrastructure upgrades. She is committed to a bright future for our kids. As a third-generation Montanan, she recognizes the value of hard work and favors risk takers and business expansion.

Pam’s Democrat opponent, who moved here five years ago from California, appears to believe that more government solves every problem. She is a former mental health director who brags that she wants to spend our taxpayer dollars to “improve monitoring of community service programs by hiring a compliance officer.” Really? Does anyone believe a “county compliance officer” will help people in need or mitigate our serious addiction problems?

We don’t need more compliance officers, more regulations and more lawsuits. We don’t need to turn the Flathead into a mini-California outpost. We need to keep the magic that makes our valley a special place to live and raise our families; Pam Holmquist will work hard to make that happen.

Conservative commissioners who spend our taxpayer money wisely will help us keep the Flathead the remarkable place that it is. Support Pam Holmquist.

Rick Blake