The man who pulls a knife in a fistfight is desperate and losing. The liar in an argument is also. Knowingly telling lies is a sign that we may have a belief that cannot be honestly defended. Those of us who support I-177 have checked the facts whenever we write or say anything about trapping. We do not have to make things up.
The latest misinformation is shameless and horrible because it is scaring parents. They tell you that POISON could be placed at parks and playgrounds. That is absolutely false and easy to check. Just read the full text of the Initiative. I-177.
It is on our website: In Section 4 you will see (2) (a) trapping allowed … for medical treatment of animals, relocation or transplantation of animals or protection of public health and safety.
No one, in their right mind, would put traps or poison in schoolyards or parks. The trappers attempt to shock and scare the public with this sort of dishonesty is testament to their other illogical deceptions, too numerous to list.
Get the truth about trapping, I vote yes on I-177.
Tim Streng