Alas, one of the great ski seasons at Whitefish Mountain Resort is coming to a conclusion, but the ending is sure to be an exciting one as always.
The 12th annual pond skim is April 8 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fun for all, up to 60 skiers and snowboarders will don colorful costumes and brave the shiny blue waters at the base of Chair 1. This popular event typically draws upwards of 2,000 spectators, and the costumes never disappoint. This year’s contest will feature three rounds. The second round will send skimmers over a jump and the third round will require participants to enter the pond backwards. Farthest skimmer is the winner.
Cash prizes will go to the top skier and snowboarder, as well as the runner-up, best costume, best crash, best participant under 21 and best participant using alternative gear, such as cross-country skis.
Registration fills up quickly, so if you want to join in the fun, sign up fast at
The last day of the ski season at Whitefish Mountain Resort is April 9.