
Quist Understands Everyday Montanans

Do we really need another billionaire representing his personal beliefs and interests in our nation’s capital?

By Brenda Moen

Rob Quist, having been born and raised in Montana, understands the depth of what it means to love and protect this amazing state we are fortunate enough to call home. He knows the delights and hardships of living in a rural state with unparalleled natural beauty and empathizes with the concerns of everyday Montanans. Rob is a good man who shares his passion for our state far and wide through his music, creativity, talent and heart. He knows how important it is to be there for his neighbors and gives of his time freely following long-standing tradition. When his opposition for the open seat in the House of Representatives was recently spending his time in Washington, D.C., accepting money from out-of-state special interests, Rob spent his time traveling throughout Montana in a borrowed RV to meet with the people to hear their concerns and share his ideas. Who do you want voicing your opinions in our only seat in the House – a native Montanan with your best interests at heart or a man from New Jersey reflecting his own and his benefactors’ values? Do we really need another billionaire representing his personal beliefs and interests in our nation’s capital? Let your vote in the special election on May 25th reflect your values.

Brenda Moen