Flathead legislators who don’t care about wasting $750,000 statewide voted against SB 305 to vote by mail in the special election are Reps. Randy Brodehl, R-Kalispell; Matt Regier, R-Kalispell; Rep. Carl Glimm, R-Kila; Rep. Steve Lavin, R-Kalispell; Rep. Mark Noland, R-Bigfork; and Rep. Derek Skees, R-Kalispell.
These Flathead Republicans disregarded the will of your Flathead County commissioners who voted to support the bill and save Flathead County $100,000. These Republicans also disregarded the Flathead County clerk and recorder and the 46 of 56 county clerk and recorders statewide who supported the bill to save their budgets and run a smooth election. While many citizens had traveled to Helena to testify at the House Judiciary Committee hearing, their was limited testimony allowed and the bill was tabled there. Forcing a blast by the Republican sponsor, a majority of 51 votes supported the measure but less than 60 votes required.
SB 305, having passed the Senate, would have given Montanans fair access to the polls with voting at the county election office and by mail and save money. These Republicans don’t care about our state or our county budget or you. Next time you go to vote, vote for the person who has your best interest in mind.
Joan Vetter Ehrenberg